Thursday, July 12, 2007

What's Bubble Tea?

In yesterday's post, I referred to "bubble tea" and one reader asked for more details. Here you go...

Bubble tea is a cool, sweet drink, infused with tea and with tapioca pearls sitting on the bottom of a clear cup. Fruit-flavored syrups are often added. Sometimes the drink is made with fresh fruits, milk, and crushed ice to create a smoothie. You drink the tea through a very wide straw, in order to drink up the chewy tapioca pearls. These pearls are usually black.

Bubble tea got its start in Taiwan in the mid 1980’s, as an after-school treat for elementary students. In Taiwan or Hong Kong, bubble tea shops line the streets!

Bubble tea has become amazingly popular among the younger set, particularly on the West coast. Bubble tea is also know as boba tea, tapioca tea, boba nai cha, pearl tea, milk tea, bubble drink, and many other names.

If you’re adventurous, you can find bubble tea popping up all over the US. Ask your local Chinese restaurant for a reference.

Although I’ve had bubble tea several times, the drink is not a favorite of mine. I find it too sweet, but I do have fun chewing on the tapioca pearls.For more information on bubble tea, see


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Steph. We have a festival here at Fresno State U. That is the only place I've ever seen bubble tea. My son bought it and I ended up drinking it. It is "different". Not sure if I'd have it again.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thanks for the description of bubble tea. It sounds yummy. I hope I have the chance to try it one day.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    WOW, nice description. Any ways bubble tea is Amazing.

  4. Yes right, bubble tea is amazing. I have bubble tea business in Indonesia & have raving fans of it.

  5. Dangerous of drinking bubble tea, you can see the article here:


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