Friday, July 13, 2007

Writing Workshop and Poem

I'm headed off to a women's writing retreat this weekend and I'm very excited -- and a bit nervous! In honor of this event, and in honor of National Chocolate Day (7/7/07), I share with you this poem I wrote two years ago.

Chocolate and Tea, Such Lovely Companions
(Written on 7/7/05 in honor of National Chocolate Day)

Chocolate and Tea, such lovely companions!
They sit side by side on my china plate,
My Milano cookie and my blueberry tea.

Chocolate nurtures love and Tea is inspiration.
I sip my tea slowly, allowing its warmth to
Melt the chocolate in my mouth.

And if I pay attention the Tea will melt
My heart and make it soft
And full of compassion and forgiveness.

For it is in the quiet, still moments that I can
Truly forgive and see my enemy’s reflection
In my own teacup.

And if I pay attention the Chocolate will sweeten
My thoughts and make them kind
And full of hope and patience.

For it is in the quiet, still moments that I can
Truly listen and see my enemy’s perfection
In my own teacup.

Chocolate and Tea, such lovely companions!
They sit side by side on my china plate,
My Milano cookie and my blueberry tea.
My compassion and my hope.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Lovely sentiments. Thank you for sharing that.


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