Friday, August 31, 2007

The Bentley

I saw a Bentley car in town the other day. I'm guessing the car was supposed to inspire awe, admiration, envy. It did quite the opposite for me. I was royally pissed off. I'm not used to seeing Bentleys in this progressive community. I'm much more likely to see two Prius sitting next to each other. The Bentley became a symbol to me of everything wrong with American culture. It shows to me how much distance there is between the rich and the impoverished, the I-don't-have-to-work-for-my-money and the working poor.

It should be illegal to own such an expensive, unnecessary car. I have an MBA and I know all about capitalism. I think capitalism is an awful idea. What I see capitalism producing, more than anything else, is a consumeristic society. Spend-buy-spend-buy. I grow sooooo weary of this. When will we learn that it's NOT OK to have school systems scraping by on peanuts and people driving Bentleys past the playground?

I realize the hypocriticalness of this writing. I am blessed and live a comfortable life with plenty of material toys. And I am not OK with the Bentley. My unsolicited and probably unwanted advice to the Bentley owner is this: If you need a showy car, drive a Prius. You'll have a "green" reputation and you'll save a little petro for the planet.


  1. You know, there is some guy that drives his Hummer way too fast through our neighborhood and, every time I see him, my blood boils. I want to say to him, "who the hell do you think you are that you should be allowed to speed through here risking the safety of all of the neighborhood residents and billowing exhaust from your totally unneccesary vehicle you selfish over-compensating loser?" The giant SUVs are particularly annoying to me! They are so destructive and, frankly, ridiculous!

  2. Amen.

    My 13-year-old brother doesn't yet understand why I wouldn't have a BMW or Mercedes or whatever if I could afford one. He's into cars at the moment and was shocked when he asked what kind of car I'd have if I was rich- and I didn't choose some flashy monstrosity. He'll understand sooner than later...

    I felt the same way when I read that Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dog. It's a crazy, mixed-up world.

    But it's full of beauty and wonder, too... :)

  3. I love the look of the Bentley but totally understand where you are coming from. So confusing...what should be done vs what is done. I also agree with Allison..Hummers really piss me off moreso then a Bentley. Guess cause Bentley have been around Hummers a just darn stupid...

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM


    Are you a communist or what. This was a comment only someone who endorses such tenets would spouse.

    I will no longer read your blog.

    A capitalist.


  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    ktdI had a typo, spouse should have been "espouse".


  6. It appears that I have sparked some debate with this comment. That is a good thing - this issue is too important to ignore.

  7. steph -- i dont mean to change your opinion but i think we should try and acheive more and more in life and i feel there is a point in our life that makes us realise that we are actually passing away time or what we are doing is actually nothing compared to what we can do.

    bentleys.. hummers ... these are cheap cars .... i am sue if you get your brains to work on the right spot you could be actually giving them as charity .... your approach and thinking needs to be more positive.. you would wanna spend more money than what 10 bentleys cost on charity... you gotta inspire yourself and work towards that.

    i was a very ordinary student till class 10 ... i was really hurt when my uncle told my mum that i would never be able to do anything in life and i was a born loser ... in his language if i scored well in mathematics i would be a successful man... just to prove that i was worth more i studied and there i was in class 12 examination - that is higher secondary in india -- i was 99 out of 100 in maths .. i topped... its all the way you look at it.

    i dont mean to offend you.. sorry for the unasked advise and comments.. just felt like sharing my views with you...

    ignore these things.... run for the goal that you can walk upto that guy and someday say .. hey you want a bentley as a birthday gift? ha ha..... -- this is what i live for ......

  8. I want to thank everyone who has responded to this comment. I appreciate hearing the diverse opinions.


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