Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Puff Pastry - A Tea Party Friend!

I had a dessert tea party on Friday evening. A dessert tea is a low-stress way to host a tea party, because all I have to make is a dessert (not three full courses) and I can focus on enjoying my friends' company instead of running around serving. I could even purchase the dessert (which I have done before!). These dessert teas work really well for me as evening teas, because they're easy to carry off after a full day of work.

At this recent tea, I used puff pastry to make a sinfully delicious and incredibly simple dessert. The recipe is from my former boss (thanks, J!). It never fails to impress and I could eat it all day long!

I don't have a photo, but the apple puffs below give a similar sense of the thing.

1 - Thaw one sheet of puff pastry, according to directions. Preheat oven to 350.
2 - Roll out the pastry so that the creases are worked together and the pastry is a little thinner.
3 - Cut into 4 sections.
4 - Add to the center of each section about 1 tablespoon each of chocolate chips and walnuts (or whatever nut you choose).
5 - Seal up the puff pastry around the choc/nuts by making a pyramid and sealing the seams.
6 - Place in container to bake (I use an oversized muffin tin).
7 - Bake for ~20-25 minutes. Puff pastry should be golden brown on top.
8 - Serve warm with a scoop of ice cream. YUM!

At the tea, my friends and I were talking about what else we could do with puff pastry. One friend suggested using apples, and I tried that yesterday. It was great! I chopped up apples and walnuts, added spices (cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger) and just a dash of honey.

For a savory variation, I cut cherry tomatoes in quarters and added them into a small puff pocket with a bit of herbed goat cheese. Oh, wow - these were good!

Puff pastry is an incredibly flexible tool. I love it because it allows me to create very fast, yet delicious and fancy treats. See this post for another way I've used puff pastry. I find it in the freezer section at my grocery store, next to the frozen pies and cakes.


  1. Oh yum! Thanks for the ideas!

  2. oh great idea!!! It is MM birthday on Friday so I will make the scones....he will have them with coffee...he just doesnt do tea anymore...

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    What a great idea! I simply don't have the time to do this sort of thing from scratch, so shortcuts like this make me all happy :)


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