Thursday, September 20, 2007

Making Space

I am making space in my life, both emotionally and physically. The two are so intertwined for me in this instance I cannot - or will not - separate them.

The DH and I are talking about adventures - what we might possibly do if we had the time. The possibilities are exciting and numerous. And they sometimes push me to my edge. To look over the edge and dream, and then to see those dreams as reality, I have to make space for new possibilities and opportunities in my life. This process of releasing the old and welcoming the new happens emotionally and physically for me.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Here's to filling those boxes and taking them to Goodwill!

  2. I am sure you have some very exciting choices! You and your DH never seem to fear the future at all! I admire is really exactly as you say making space!

  3. I'm enjoying your blog. Just found it (from the signature in your email to me!). And I too am making space in my life. It feels deeply refreshing... quite a bit like a nice cup of tea. I'll be back to enjoy your blog in the futre. Thanks.



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