Monday, September 24, 2007

Stream Cliff Farm and Tea Room

I had a lovely outing yesterday, with a group of really fun women, to the Stream Cliff Farm and Tea Room.

Here are my lovely travel companions.

Stream Cliff Farm grows herbs, annuals and perennials. Grab a Radio Flyer wagon to hold your treasures as you shop!

The day was unseasonably warm for this late in September, and we enjoyed the shade as we walked through the different gardens.

Each garden has a theme. My favorite among favorites was the fairy garden.

The tearoom setting was lovely. We sat next to the windows that looked out into the rows of plants for sale. So tempting! We each had our own pot of tea.

The food was tasty and artfully presented, with lots of flowers and herbs from the grounds. That was a highlight for me!

If you go (and I suggest you do!), I recommend keeping the following two things in mind:

1 - Ask for boiling water when you order your tea (unless you are ordering a green tea). I have a suspicion our hot water was drawn from a hot water urn or a coffee tap, because it wasn't hot enough to properly steep the tea. Tea rooms - I can't emphasize this enough - you must purchase quality tea (which this tea room did) and serve it correctly (boiling water for hot tea)!

2 - The food was delicious and beautiful. The portions were a bit smaller than we'd been used to in our other outings. However, I had no concerns about this because the price was also proportionally less. (For example, we'd paid double this price at a tea room in Indianapolis.) So, have a snack before you go or get a cup of soup to accompany your tea.


  1. That place looks great- I love themed gardens! I had tea at a tea house with a group of friends yesterday too! :)

  2. It looks like a lovely place for an outing! -Karen

  3. Where is Stream Cliff located? Oh, that is my dream...a tea place that uses the items from their garden right outside the door! How lovely! Thanks for all the pictures.

  4. Good question, Tea Party Girl! It's in Indiana - and as the website describes, in the triangle between Louisville, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis.

  5. I wish I lived near that place. It looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  6. Anonymous6:50 AM

    It sounds like you had a very nice day! I like the updates you've made to your blog...and it's all so organized! :) Give me a call sometime today so we can chat before I leave tonight.
    Love ya,


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