Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Politics of Tea - My Plan

What I am realizing is that this "Politics of Tea" series is not something I can write on a break at work. It takes more than 10 minutes and needs special attention. I want to give the topics plenty of consideration. So, I'll promise to do at least one per month - hopefully, two. This is a bit unfortunate for B, who suggested the topic in the first place, as she will be on sabbatical and out of contact in the new year. My plan is to label the posts well so that B can read them when she returns. :-)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for thinking of me... but i am sure i can catch up on the entire blog when i'm back in march....

    i think of this politics exploration as something that can invite joy and peace and calm into our lives.... by helping us enjoy tea mindfully....

    i have been drinking a lot of tea lately... at other people's homes... and something that became clear to me is that I don't pay close enough attention to which teas I'm drinking. I have enjoyed them... and paid attention to them in the moment, but then I forget....

    so I think I may start logging my tea experiences in a relaxed and informal way... or not! ;-) we'll see.



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