Monday, December 10, 2007

What Is Your Favorite Tea-Drinking Vessel?

A new survey is up - look to the right!


  1. My vote has been cast - I have an oversized mug that I use every night to drink my "Relaxing Tea" - helps me to fall sleep at the end of a very long day. Although it's not technically tea, all herbs, no Camellia sinensis, it is my favorite mug because I can brew two cups worth at once! My sister bounced it off the counter one day and I held my breath until I saw that it survived the fall! Nancy

  2. I voted for mug, too, but it has to be "thin-lipped". Picky, I know. I linked to you today.

  3. I am picky, as well. I usually drink out of a cup/saucer, but I also have a mug with a lid that I like. And NO thick-lipped mugs for me!

  4. My favorite is my clay pottery mug. I like the heaviness of it, and how it warms my hands when I hold it. It can also fit more tea than my teacups and the tea stays warmer, longer. I also enjoy drinking tea from a porcelain mug, and a teacup, especially when sharing a pot with friends.


I value your comments, thank you!