Friday, February 15, 2008

Pay It Forward

Hey! Here's a chance to get a surprise from me, on a surprise date, in the next 365 days. (I'm responding to this prompt from Tea in My Cup.)

Here are the rules:

1 - Leave a comment on my blog that says you want to play. First three folks to comment will get a gift! (If I don't know it already, let me know how I can contact you.)

2 - Do the same thing on your blog!

The first three folks who leave a comment and commit to doing this on their blog, too, will get a surprise from me at a surprise time in the next 365 days! :-)

Enjoy! Stephanie


  1. Thank you for joining the fun! Would you send me your name and address so I can send out my gift to you? My email is I'll let you know when I have mailed the package so you can be looking for it.

  2. Hey Steph,
    Well......I am ALL about "good" surprises :~) I think I can send you my e-mail via blogger so if you don't get it....just let me know. Hope you have a GREAT weekend.

  3. P.S. I got this posted on my site as we GOOOOO!

  4. Hi, All! I'm still looking for 2 more participants, so if you're interested, leave a comment!

  5. This sounds like fun! I'm willing to play too! I'll put it on my blog as well.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Hello. I'm a member of ATAA. Love your blog!

  7. OK, Joyce - Sweetcakes - and Melissa - you win! Melissa - please let me know how to get in touch with you! E-mail me at


I value your comments, thank you!