Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ringing in Valentine's Day

Well, the DH (dear hubby) found this sweet and wonderfully appropriate Valentine's Day gift for me! It's a bike bell in the shape of a teapot. I love bicycling and I love tea. What could be better?

We also held our annual Valentine's Day ritual of planting tiny lettuce seeds. Call it an exercise in hope and trust. We planted on snow today, as we did last year. And the lettuce grew anyway and we ate it!

For me, Valentine's Day is not about diamonds and riches and over-the-top consumerism. It's about the sweet, sappy gifts that tug at my heart because they have a lot of thought and care put into them. It's about rituals that people create together. It's about hope and trust.


  1. Love the teapot bike bell! Too cute! Nancy

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    neat-o. glad you can appreciate the cheeziness that is valentines.

  3. Anonymous2:22 PM

    A really sweet post for the holiday!

    I'm a new reader and thought I would stop in and wish you and yours a wonderful Valentine's day!

  4. A bike bell teapot! Your husband gets lots of extra gold stars for that. I hope you're having a very sweet day on this Valentine's holiday.

  5. so sweet! i could not agree more about this holiday. no diamonds or pearls here, just sweet traditions...just like yours! i love that your lettuce grew last year!

  6. Absolutely unbelievable! A man who can plant lettuce with you in the snow AND pick out a Fab-o appropriate present. You are a lucky girl! (But I'm sure you know that already...)

  7. your husband AMAZING or what? I have never seen a bike bell like that...that is very COOL.
    Loving the "lettuce" ideal.....especially in the snow..oh I do hope it all comes up again this year. I HATE the commericalism of this day (and a few other major holidays) believe me....I have SEEN it for the past two days and though it "stimulates the economy"....alot of it is empty. And there will be no "memories" in the days and years ahead for many of them. Sadly.
    Thanks so much for the Valentine's wishes....I'm sending you some as well. :~)

  8. Oh how fun! You will be stylin' on your bike. Great gift!

    I'm really interested in planting lettuce so early. That is a great idea. Christine and I will try it too.

  9. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Sweet, sweet, and so very sweet ~ You & T are MFEO! (made for each other) Lots of love to you both on Valentines!

  10. I'm with you on the sweet sappy stuff! And congrats to the DH for finding you the perfect gift! I also enjoyed seeing your lettuce-seeds-in-the-snow photo. Fun!

  11. Anonymous11:07 AM

    What a great bike bell! Happy Valentine's day!

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Your husband definitely gets an "A" for effort. A tea pot shaped bike bell must have taken some time to find. It is all about the thought...speaking of which, we have some heartfelt tea sentiments posted on our blog for Valentine's Day you might enjoy.

    Julie for Bigelow Tea

  13. What a sweet, thoughtful present from your hubby! Cute too!
    I love the lettuce seeds over the snow picture. Talk about optimism!

  14. Oh! What a wonderful bell! I have a bell on my Grandmother's old bike just like the bell I had on my bike when I lived in China, but this bell--Wow! Do you think he'd share where he found such a treasure?


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