Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Sister's Closet

I recently attended a tea luncheon for My Sister's Closet, a resale shop that specializes in helping women find affordable professional clothing.

"The mission of My Sister's Closet, Inc. is to provide at-risk, low-income women pursuing employment with free workforce attire. We accomplish our mission through the use of our voucher system and the generosity of those who donate professional attire to our store."

I have several suits sitting in my closet that haven't been worn for at least 3 years. Given my intention to curb my clothes habit, I am donating these suits to My Sister's Closet, with the hope that they make someone else's day! They are stylish and professional, and while I have an attachment to them, I simply don't need them at this point in my life. So, I'm letting go...

Its a pretty awesome feeling to let go of something I've been carting around for a while. I encourage you to give it a try!


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Sounds like a wonderful event - and wonderful organization!

  2. Hi Steph,
    What a great cause. Congratulations for letting go of your suits. I'm sure there are women out there who will enjoy them as much as you did.
    I'm moving this month so I've had to do a lot of letting go. It's amazing the amount of "stuff" we accumulate! I'm making a vow to myself to do this every Spring.

  3. Thank you both for your encouragement!

  4. I used to wear a suit every work day and when I stopped working, I donated them to My Sister's Closet too. I couldn't do it right away though. I needed time to adjust to being casual. It is a good organization and it is so important to help other women.

  5. This is a great organization to support. The link back to the previous post is very thought provoking. I never realized that I hoard clothes, shoes, socks, etc. but, I do. My problem is that I have been so many sizes over the past few years I think I might need something again. The good side of having several closets full of clothes is that my daughter can raid them for her own needs!


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