Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to All Women

Happy Mother's Day to my mother, my sister, my grandmother, my friends who are mothers, and to all women, whether mothers of human children or mothers of passions.

My mind turns toward Julia Ward Howe today. She is most known for writing the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, but she was the first to proclaim Mother's Day in 1870. Read her proclamation here. I find it just as stirring and revolutionary today as I image it was then.

My hats off to all women who step forward to make positive change for our world. May we raise our daughters to be so bold.

I am spending this weekend with my family, in celebration of my grandparents' 70th wedding anniversary. My grandmother is an inspiring woman. She loved babies and gardening and simple things in life, like sitting in the porch swing with a glass of iced tea. Her health has declined, but she still finds ways to make jokes and smile. She is a very special woman.


  1. Wow- 70 years! May we all be so lucky as to have such a long time with our true loves!

  2. I'll see you at the celebration!

  3. Oh Steph!!! I got my package you sent me in the mail yesterday and I am soooo pleased with everything you sent to me. What a great surprise! I took some photos and wrote about it on my blog. Sorry I have been out of the loop lately! Long story....I will write you an e-mail later when I get a chance.
    Thanks so much....

  4. 70? What an incredible milestone!!!!!! Congrats, and may you inherit that happiness yourself!

  5. my thoughts will be with your grandmother. i do hope you had a wonderful day!


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