Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Set the Table, Tea is On!

This week's blogathon topic (from Gracious Hospitality) is to share afternoon tea settings. I'm displaying photos from the past two years. Each of these is a tea party I've hosted - some for several people, some for a friend or two, and some for just me. I've loved and enjoyed each one.


  1. I can't decide which tea party setting I liked the best. They are all beautiful! You have a variety of styles which makes 'taking tea' even more fun. I think maybe the first picture at the top of your page is my favorite setting. Thanks for sharing!


  2. I like the red and white table also. I really like the napkins in the cups. Very cute!

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I, too, love the first photo in red and white. It is so serene, and intimate, and the thought of only three for tea seems so, well, manageable, so that the hostess can enjoy herself too!

    What a beautiful montage of calm and quietly uplifting tea celebrations!

    I so admire the intentionality with which you live your life and compose your blog. MKP

  4. Each and every setting is beautiful...can't come in for a landing on any one in particular, though the first with the red is striking my fancy. Thank you for sharing all your lovely linens and table settings with us.

  5. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Looks like lovely events. Thanks for sharing your photos!

  6. Anonymous3:38 AM

    All of your photos are lovely. I especially love the way the napkins are folded in the cups on the first. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. What a fun variety of photos! I think I loved the casual one with the blue pot and cups on the deck. Simple,yet elegant and serene.

  8. The first and third are my favorite! :) The linens are gorgeous! All of them are beautiful and inviting! Great post! ~Rhonda :)

  9. Hi Steph, LOVE the photos!

    I see Chintz, Fransiscan & English china patterns! BUT I have to tell you I just LOVE that pottery set!! It's So "earthy". Is it from a local potter?

    Hope you are having a fabulous spring! Have you two been out riding yet? Speaking of gorgeous days...I'm off for my walk!!

    tata dear-one!


  10. What a great feast for the eyes you have today! And I have to say I've never seen a tea-and-toast set with the scalloped shape and a tall teacup like that. Lovely! I think the toile is my favorite decorating scheme, though. Hmmm ...

  11. HI Steph,
    I LOVE THE TOILE! What a beautiful table setting! You have so many different styles... how fun is that!

  12. Thanks to all for your fun comments! Jes - the blue pottery set is from the Pigeon Forge Pottery. http://www.thepigeonforgepottery.com/

  13. Beautiful post, Stephanie. I especially love the pink floral tablecloth...Kathy

  14. oh wow, such wonderful fun tea things, thanks for sharing!

  15. I love your tea settings! They are all beautiful, but my favorite is the top photo of the toile tea. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Just catching up on your blog...I love the tablecloth on the 2nd to last (10th) photo! It's beautiful! Can't wait to see you in a day or two!

  17. Since we're stating favorites... I have to go with the blue out on the deck. I enjoy how relaxed that feels.

    All of the images are fun. Thanks.


  18. Anonymous5:09 PM

    they are all beautiful but I like the fransican desert rose the best!

  19. So many pretties, but my favorite is the blue and brown earthy looking set. It's unique and inviting.

  20. How delightful! I love toile so that one is special but each of the other ones have special elements too. Thank you for taking the time to share!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Lovely! Any progress on the wagashi search? This time of year is great for beautiful seasonal wagashi...


I value your comments, thank you!