Monday, June 23, 2008

June Tea: A Picnic Tea

On our way to a picnic tea

I was on vacation last week, and I stayed home. I relaxed, did a few projects, cleaned and enjoyed a visit from family. On Saturday, after all the excitement, I took a few moments to have a picnic tea with the DH at our lot. This was an impromptu event. The DH spent ~20 min pulling things together while I was in the shower. Relaxed and easy was the theme. We had cucumber sandwiches, fresh fruit, a thawed piece of the raisin tea ring from earlier in the week, and a thermos of tea.

I've been blogging each month this year about a different tea party theme. Part of my intention here is to show the broad range in tea party styles - from fancy to simple. It can hardly get more simple than this one!


  1. What fun! Simplicity at its best.

  2. A perfect June tea party and a nice way to end your week. What a great DH, too! I have tagged you. Go to to check it out.

  3. I've been wanting to whip up a picnic tea myself! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Sounds like a grand time. I love your pink hat!

  5. Thank you! Pink hat from Esme. :-)

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Looks like a lovely picnic!

  7. oh, steph, that sounds like so much fun! another yummy menu.

  8. What a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

  9. Wow, you had a busy day - a run, a bike ride and a picnic! What a great way to relax!

  10. A perfect summer tea! I love your picnic basket; it adds just the right touch.


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