Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello, from smoggy, smoky California! Forest fires abound out here. The rising sun yesterday was this vibrant, big, orange orb in the sky. Very interesting and eerie, all the same.

I'm here for work and it's been a rather intense few days. Lots of meetings and working lunches and dinners with the team where I enjoy myself, but eat waaaaay too much! Oh, my.

I'm looking forward to my last day of meetings tomorrow, and dinner with a fellow blogger (Tea Party Girl) tomorrow night! We'll meet in person for the first time and I'm very excited!

OK, I've been tagged to answer a few fun questions. (Thanks, Linda!) Here you go...

Ten years ago... I was one year into my current career, struggling with how to reconcile my disillusionment with corporate America and at the same time reap its benefits.

Five things on today's to do list... Blog, stay focused in these meetings, keep my e-mail inbox from exploding, practice gratitude, get to bed at a decent hour.

Snacks I enjoy...McVities (plain or chocolate), chocolate chip cookies, brownies, madeleines and tea with it all.

If I were a millionaire....I'd build our dream house and open a tea room with Sweetcakes!

Places I have lived... On a farm, in the high dessert, in the hills and on the flats.


  1. Thanks for playing, Stephanie! Best wishes for safe travel home after a week of smog and meetings!

  2. Thanks, Linda, for pinging me!

    By the way, I got a couple of concerned e-mails. I'm not running in this smog. :-)

  3. If I were a millionaire I'd open a tearoom with you too!


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