Thursday, June 26, 2008

Earl Grey Manor

I recently had tea with a good friend at the Earl Grey Manor in Old Sacramento. It was my friend's first visit to a tea room and we had a lovely time! One of the many things I love about visiting a tea room is that time appears to slow down. My friend and I sat and chatted and laughed and shared for nearly two hours. We weren't rushed or distracted. We were present, in the moment, attuned to each other. That is such a gift.

The decor in the tea room is art deco. Fun and luxurious. You can sit at a table, the boudoir, or the large-group space in the rear. The food was also excellent. We ordered the Lady Grey Tea. We each had a pot of tea (Paris and Pear-Caramel). We started with black cherry soup (similar to the strawberry soup recipe).

Then we were served finger sandwiches. Next came blackberry scones with jam and cream, then short bread cookies and chocolate-bourbon truffles. We finished with cheese, crackers and fruit. You might imagine that we took quite a bit home!


  1. You are going to have to put together of all your tea adventures....that would be very cool :) Great picture of you two!!!

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You seem to find tea spots every where you go!

  3. I love your tearoom reviews! It is such fun to be able to travel along with you.

  4. I had tea there once with my grad school gang- it is nice! Steve and I got married right around the corner in an old firehouse (now restaurant) so that part of town always makes me smile. :)

  5. Thank you SOOOO much Steph for introducing me to the wonderful world of tea. I will cherish the memory of our time together that day.

    I loved your observation about time slowing down - it felt that way to me as well. I also REALLY enjoyed how this place was formal without being uptight which meant I could relax and enjoy the delicious food & wonderful company without worrying about not knowing the protocol.

    Thank you, thank you!

  6. Thank you for sharing this tea room! Sounds like one I would enjoy visiting.

  7. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Sounds delicious. Glad you had such a great visit with your friend and thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. My first sabbatical task: Catch up on your blog! I love the photos, Steph. Glad you both had a lovely visit.


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