Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meeting Another Tea Blogger

I recently had the pleasure of meeting, in person, Jenny of Tea Party Girl! What a great time! Jenny and I have been blogging buddies for some time now, and the chance to meet her in person was a gift from heaven! It just so happened that I was on a work trip in the Sacramento area, and Jenny lives not-too-far from where I was staying. Yippee!

We met at Paul Martin's American Bistro, a restaurant that focuses on using local produce and meats. The dinner was great! I had a mushroom burger and fries, while Jenny had a delicious salad. Notice the mountain of fries in the photo above! The place was certainly generous with its portions. For dessert, we shared an incredible cherry creme brule and a mint tisane. (See Jenny's post for a picture of us, with dessert.)

Blogging is such a wonderful hobby. I describe it as the modern take on pen pals. As a young girl, I had a pen pal that I found through Western Horseman magazine. I remember sharing stories about our horses and about how we'd love to meet someday. That meeting never happened, and I feel so blessed that this one did. As I shared a meal with Jenny, I learned more her passion for tea and food, and about her dedication to her family. I look forward to learning more in the future! Thanks, Jenny, for the tea room recommendations and for meeting me!


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    What fun! Did you know that I know (and have met) Jenny's mum? Her mum and dad were in Charleston on holiday last year - I met Anne for tea at their B&B. Small [tea] world!

  2. What a neat connection! :-)

  3. How nice that you met a fellow tea blogger! Thanks for sharing the photo!

  4. I am hoping to meet Jenny in person one day myself -- and you too, for that matter! I had not thought of "blogging friendships" as being like pen pals, but that is a brilliant analogy!

  5. i love this story. it sounds like you had a great time.

  6. Wonderful! I hope we can meet someday, too. :)


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