Tuesday, July 22, 2008

And I'd Like to Thank...

Linda, at Friendship Tea, for presenting me with the "Just Plain Fun to Read" blog award. Thank you, Linda! I'm very honored. And thanks to everyone who reads!

In the spirit of passing along the fun, I'd like to recognize these blogs:

* Tea with Friends. I love this daily dose of tea-related info. Angela finds the most interesting things! Thank you!

* Tea Party Girl. Such thoughtful and well-written posts. And a great brush-up on modern manners!

* Two Boys and a Beagle. This blog belongs to a good friend. The fun thing is to see her life through the lens of her blog. This one is also full of cooking tips!

* Kelly Rae. Kelly Rae is a friend of a friend. She's an artist and a social worker and I love the beauty of her art - both her mixed media work and her words. This blog inspires me!

And thank you to all the other wonderful blogs that I didn't mention here, but that definitely deserve it! Blogging really has changed my world, and I'm grateful for all the great blogs I read!


  1. Congratulations Steph! Your blog is indeed 'just plain fun to read'! From one 'fanatic' to another -

  2. You are certainly welcome! After frequently visiting your "just plain fun to read" blog, I was inspired to begin my own blog.

  3. Definitely just plain fun to read...


  4. My goodness, I have to say I am humbled by your kind words! And what great timing, too. This is the week our huge newcomers guide is due at the printer, and I have been slightly S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D. Coming upon your thoughtful words truly lifted my spirits! Thank you!


I value your comments, thank you!