Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July Tea: Tea and Travels I

It's hard to believe I'm already up to July for my year of blogging about monthly tea parties! This fun blogging idea has indeed challenged me! July slipped away and I'm on biz travel through the end of the month! SO, my July theme is Tea and Travels. My first post is an in-transit tea party at Chicago Midway airport! I had an almost 3-hour layover, and found myself a great little spot for a private tea party.

The DH kindly packed me a tea party to-go early in the morning, and off I went on a big 'ol jet airliner! When I arrived at Midway, this view caught my attention:

And then I found this rocker and these tea party companions!

I settled in, brewed my Blueberry Acai Zhena's Gypsy tea (large-leaf tea sachet)...

And opened my tea party box!

Yumm! I had a cucumber sandwich (with butter and dill), grapes, and a ginger-almond oatcake. A few steps up from airport food!

The next time you travel, give it a try! I had a blast and found it very relaxing in between flights.


  1. It was great to meet you today at the Tea Zone. I always love meeting tea friends face to face.
    Thanks for a fun visit.

  2. Thank you, Marilyn! I had a great time, too! I'll blog about our visit soon!

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Stephanie! What a neat idea and your dh did a wonderful job ... even a tea-themed napkin. Perfect! Tony leaves on Saturday for a week in London (his son is getting married). I might have to pack him a tea party to-go! I love it!

  4. Oh Steph - loved your traveling tea party... and chuckled about your companions! What fun!
    Looking forward to your post about your visit with Marilyn. I'm glad you two were able to connect.

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    What a fabulous idea to pack a tea party to go, particularly when faced with the prospects of airport food!

  6. Your DH wins an award for helping out with this one. Jake and Elwood are certainly memorable tea companions. *LOL*

  7. What a marvelous idea! And carried out so very elegantly to boot. This was great fun to read!

  8. Really enjoyed your pictures and description of the tea party to go. Looks great.

    Continue to enjoy the trip.

  9. Wow, that's a familiar sight! I can tell you're on the A concourse. Looks like a nice little lunch. Hope you enjoyed the tea!

  10. It's a good idea to fit a tea party into your schedule no matter where you are! This is exactly what my Red Hat Society sisters and I do! And I do love cucumber sandwiches too!


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