Friday, July 25, 2008

Marmalady and Tea Zone

One evening this week, I had a few extra hours and I took the fantastic Portland Max light rail into the Pearl District, downtown Portland. I met Marmalady (Marilyn) at the Tea Zone.

Marilyn is a fellow tea-lover and blogger, and she also runs her company Marmalady's. This company specializes in tea jams, jellies and marmalade, along with other tea wares. It was great fun to meet Marilyn and learn about her passion for tea. And check out her rhinestone teapot pin!

I came home with a gift bag of Marilyn's new Cranberry Ginger Tea Marmalade and a few other goodies. I can't wait to get home and try this! What I love about this line of products is that they all feature tea as an ingredient.

We met at Tea Zone, a hip tea lounge and cafe on 11th street. Marilyn is a big fan of the chicken curry empanada and had that along with a bubble tea. I had a great cup of Ti Kuan Yin oolong and a giant shortbread cookie.

And here's a little Portland scenery...


  1. once again, lovely pictures. You look lovely!

  2. I am so glad you had an opportunity to meet with Marilyn for tea!

  3. How fun! I love it when you're able to combine business with pleasure!

  4. It was wonderful to spend time over tea with you in Portland at the Tea Zone. Call me the next time you are in Portland and we can explore another tearoom.

  5. Thanks for sharing your Portland adventure with Marilyn! Looks like a fun/casual place to visit.

  6. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Isn't it a true blessing to meet tea people that we either only know online or know through others? Glad you made the time to do this, and how nice of Marilyn to gift you with goodies!

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sounds like a wonderful visit!


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