Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wharf to Wharf

I'm in CA now and have had the wonderful chance to spend the weekend with two dear friends in Boulder Creek, CA. Boulder Creek is a small town, formerly a logging center. It's great - not far from the ocean and nestled in the redwoods. I feel like I'm staying at a B&B. My friend GC's house is such a comfortable and gorgeous cottage! The hydrangeas and blackberries are in their full splendor!

Today, a group of women walked the Wharf to Wharf 10K from Santa Cruz to Capitola by the Sea. It was a great time! To borrow CC's analogy, it's like a parade, except the bands aren't marching and we are. Here are a few scenes. As you can see, it's quite the spectator event, as well, and everyone approaches this with a sense of humor!

After the walk, we had lunch at the Crow's Nest and then a walk along the beach. By now, the fog had lifted and the sun was brilliant on the steel blue water.

I'm very grateful for this chance to spend some time in Boulder Creek and near the ocean. Wow, what a serious nature boost, the mountains and the ocean in one trip! And I am particularly grateful for the great hostesses and guides, GC and CC!


  1. How fun! I so enjoy that area and all its beachy fun. Yes, Boulder Creek is beautiful and camping at Big Basin is one of our favorite places. So glad you got to enjoy more of CA than just the smoky Sacramento valley!

  2. The Wharf to Wharf run looks like such fun--what spirit! It's so nice to hear that you're having a lovely time by the ocean.

  3. Memories. Your stay in the Santa Cruz area brings back memories of a younger time when I lived in that area and enjoyed those beaches. How beautiful the ocean and redwoods are there. So happy you could enjoy it.

  4. I am so glad you had a good time! I know I was very blessed with your visit. You have an open invitation to my house! Pretty soon you will become like a local :) like CC :) hee hee

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I can feel that sea breeze already!'re in Boulder Creek; my daughter is in San Francisco on a business trip; Tony is in London at a wedding; just got a call from my best friend who is off to Honduras on a mission trip .......and here I sit in Moncks Corner!!! Whaaaaaaa! :-) Have a great time, Steph!

  6. Looks like a wonderful time! Can you bring some of those blackberries back home with you?

  7. The walk looks so nice! Maybe it is because I was born in a city called Oceanside, but I NEED time near the ocean regularly! :-)


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