Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Matcha Shortbread

In the current edition of Tea magazine, there is a recipe for matcha shortbread. I gave it a try this weekend. I thought the cookies were tasty, but I wasn't sure if others would enjoy them. I took a small plate to a party, and the cookies were gobbled up. I guess it was a success! Mine didn't end up looking like the photo in the magazine, but they tasted good!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    These sound really great. I'll go pick up the magazine. I've seen it at Barnes & Nobles.

  2. Does the matcha have a concentrated amount of caffeine?

  3. The deal with matcha is that you are consuming the tea leaf itself (minus the stem), so it does have more caffeine than a regular cup of tea. All tea has the chemical (L-theanine) that softens the impact of caffeine, so many people find it less harsh than coffee, even in matcha.

    Some research is showing that matcha gives us high levels of antioxidants and other health benefits - b/c we are actually ingesting the tea itself.

    So I say - if you are sensitive to caffeine - give a small amount of matcha a try.

    To read more, go to this site and scroll down to the Caffeine question.


  4. oh, my baking never looks like it does in the pictures! as long as it is yummy, i don't mind!

  5. I really like matcha in desserts- especially green tea ice cream! Teaz Me (here in Roseville) had a "matcha mint" drink that was like blended mint chip ice cream with a hint of matcha (although it used a soy-based ice cream). Sadly, they have closed. :(

  6. Did you get to read my article on tea sweets? It was a blast to write -- so many delicious tea sweets out there to learn about! Baking with matcha and other teas is getting to be a HUGE trend. Have you tried Amai's tea sweets or BiscotTea before? Both are very good.


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