Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NPR Goes to Teaism

Teaism is an Asian-inspired teahouse in Washington, DC. I've never been, but I really want to go! Have you been? Tell us about it!

Listen to the podcast:
It's a nice, basic intro to tea.


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hi Steph!

    Yes! I have been to Teaism this Summer - the very location mentioned in the interview at 8th and D Streets, and it was a very lovely experience. It was a hot, hot July day in DC.-98 degrees and very humid. I love visiting DC and this time my DH Carl and I and two dear friends spent the day touring the sights and decided to head up to that area to check out Teaism. My friends are always so good about going along with my need to “do tea” and they loved this tea venue. Since it was so hot, we all opted for iced drinks. I tried the iced tisane of the day which was a rose hips and berry blend. Very refreshing and full of vitamin C. Friend Nick had the Ginger Limeade and let us all try a sip. Cool and tasted like a wonderful limey ginger ale without the fizz. Marcia and Carl opted for the Japanese Sweet Green Tea and pronounced it wonderful. The only foods we tried were the Ginger Scones and the Hungarian Tea Cake with Apricot Filling. Both were very good. ( We had all had a big lunch at the restaurant at the Museum of the American Indian. Another amazing place.) We all decided that we would love to go back and try the afternoon tea and perhaps one of the bento box lunches and get a pot of hot tea from the wonderful selection. Hope you get a chance to go Steph. I think you would love it.

    Mary Jane

  2. Wow - I must visit this place. Thank you for the review, Mary Jane!

  3. Wow Steph, I think I have been there.

    It has been a few years though. I went to the one on Dupont Circle. I was with my husband who was on business in DC for the week. Grayson must have been at his grandmothers and I was free to wander the city. This was post 9-11, but not by much. So the city was filled with security.

    I remember having a few hours before my plane left so no real time to head to the Mall and see museums so I wandered Dupont circle and saw this tea place. I think this must have been in an era before I knew you and I probably knew Kim but not very well.

    I remember the store was lovely and I had a little pot of green tea and wrote postcards.

    If I had known more about tea--like I do now--I probably would remember more about the place.

    How funny!

    xo Esme

  4. Wow - Esme - that's awesome! I can just picture you sitting there with a pot of tea and writing postcards. :-)


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