Sunday, November 23, 2008

Drum roll...

And the winners of my tea sample giveaways are:

Lady Katherine

I had such a great response, I decided to pick two winners. I'll be in contact, ladies, and congratulations! Thanks to everyone who joined in! And here's a sneak peek at December 3rd - I'll be joining in the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway, check back!

It's been a quiet weekend for me. It kicked off Friday evening with a virtual tea party, which I will blog about later this week. Then I spent yesterday mostly doing nothing. I didn't make it to the dance class, sigh. I just wasn't up for it. I've been fighting a cold. I also spent much of today napping in the sun, like a solar cat. As much as I wanted to take the class, I needed a quiet weekend more. Fortunately, I'm feeling better this afternoon.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Sounds like a lovely day. I don't mind feeling a little under the weather when I can lounge around and read. Too bad that does not happen too often with two children in the house!

  2. You know, it really was. Even though I missed the dance class, I had a lovely weekend!

  3. How wonderful, I won? I did not know you sell tea. Gosh what a lovely gift. I will be delighted to have your samples and do a Sampling tea post. I could not find where to email you, my address. Thank you so much. I little under the weather this week and trying to catch up with the lovely blogs I read.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. That Honeybush would be just the thing for feeling under the weather.


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