Monday, November 24, 2008


Isn't that a great name for a "tea"? In fact, honeybush isn't truly a tea, but it is a wonderfully-scented and flavored tisane (herbal infusion). Like rooibos, honeybush grows in South Africa. It has yellow flowers that smell like honey. Tea is made from the flowers, leaves and stems of the plant.

Honeybush is naturally caffeine-free and also has antioxidants, as well as minerals.

If you're looking for a way to satisfy your sweet tooth, give honeybush a try! It's naturally sweet tasting and it may hit the mark in a non-sugared way!

Medicinally, honeybush has long been used to treat coughs.
"The traditional use of the tea for treating cough may be explained, in part, by its content of pinitol, a modified sugar that is similar to inositol. Pinitol, named for its major source, pine trees, is also found in the leaves of several legume plants; it is an expectorant." Read more here.
The next time you see honeybush, give it a try and let me know what you think!


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I've had rooibos, but not honeybush. I'll be looking for some.

  2. "Like" rooibos? I thought honeybush WAS rooibos - interchangable names for the same thing. Well, add that to my list of things I want to try!

  3. Sounds delicious. I love honey, so I will be on the lookout! Thanks Steph & congrats to the winners.


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