Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mixed-Media Tea Party

Wow - I am definitely inspired! Check out the Nov/Dec edition of cloth paper scissors for the results of the mixed-media tea party challenge! My favorite is rachel's teacups (think ta-tas). ;-)


  1. I am such a magazine addict and here you tempt me with another one. I will have to search it out. The tea party on the napkin on their sight was very clever.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Really the new Winter or November and December collection demonstrated is very attractive and worth purchasing.

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I was so excited about that mixed media tea party challenge. I enjoyed seeing the results but I wish they had given it more coverage. I know they had many entries and I would have liked to have seen more of them. But that magazine is great and I receive every issue!

  4. I would have loved to see more of the entries, too!

  5. Actually, you *will* get to see more of the entries in the Jan/Feb issue since they have split the contest entries over two issues of the magazine. (My entry was a finalist, so I'm hoping it will be included or on the web site in Jan/Feb.) And I liked Rachel's Teacups as well. Isn't that clever!

  6. Oh, goody goody! Thank you, angela!


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