Friday, November 14, 2008

Self Portrait 2

Yep, that's me first thing this morning. I'm doing chest-opener stretches on the exercise ball. My shoulders and chest are often tight from day-long computer work, so I do these stretches to counter. Maintaining flexibility truly is a crucial part of my body and soul. Notice my very cool teapot pajama bottoms and the oh-so-warm but not-so-sexy down-filled booties.

This activity was all about learning to use my tripod (thanks, Mom!) and the self-timer on the camera. And about seeing myself in truth, not posed, not made up, not trying to impress. This snapshot of myself is a view I've only been given through the camera lens; I've never seen myself in this pose before. I call this "offering of myself" because that's what I see.

Happy Friday!


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    hi Steph! Thanks for the candid shot of your morning self! I really must practice my photo skills as well. Best wishes!

  2. OK, I already knew you were a brave and honest soul, but this is the ultimate proof. I could NEVER do that! (The pose, the self-exposure, the photography!) Wow, and good for you!

  3. LOL! Thank you both. And I should have said, "this is my goofy self!"

  4. Love it!

    I had to check out the picture to see what people were talking about over lunch today.:)

  5. I could use one of those balls to stretch my chest and loosen up my back. That looks very relaxing and helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. My first thought was the same as Angela's. What a brave girl to post that photo!!

  7. Well I have to give it to you, you are very brave, wish I could do that.

  8. You are too funny! What a great way to enjoy yourself, breaking free from all inhibitions! That, in and of itself, is enough to make you feel freer & healthier. Ya gotta Love it!

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    You are an inspiration, Steph, in more ways than one!


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