Monday, December 29, 2008

An Aunt's Privilege

The happy toddler and her enamored aunt, Christmas morning at my Mom's

It get so tickled with my 1-year-old niece! She has the most infectious giggle and smile. A year ago, she was a pink and perfect infant, and now she's a busy, busy, busy toddler.

Notice the bows in our hair - thanks to the creative styling of the little one. "Bow" is one of her favorite words, and she loved the bows more than any present (except, maybe, for the electric fish bowl).

The DH and I had a good Christmas, and on the way home we got the chance to have an extra 2 days of vacation. The car decided it needed a new transmission as we were on our way home. But we made the best of it and saw movies and walked all over the town where we landed, until the rental car shop opened this morning. Thanks to the nice service people who helped us - the tow truck driver, the mechanics, the hotel owner, the car rental gal...all of them were cheerful and kind.


  1. Glad you had a nice Christmas visit with your family.....we had that "breakdown" thing happen to us....we were just an hour outside of Kansas City and were able to limp there and then stay with our good friends and visit and attend a conference. HA! Worked out fine for us.....and plus our vehicle STILL made it all the way back to Louisiana.
    It all works out some way.
    Have a great New Year!

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Adorable! (Both of you!) Love the girly nail polish on your niece....

  3. What a fun picture. You look like you're really enjoying yourself! I love your mom's tree too with all the angels on it.
    Glad you got back home safely and hope that you have a beautiful New Year.

  4. Hey, I just noticed, do your PJ's have teapots on them????? TOO CUTE!

  5. Your niece is a real cutie! And I love your positive attitude about the "extra vacation time." Glad you made it back safe and sound!

  6. I have great memories of times spent with my aunts! Make lots of memories for your niece!

  7. What sweet memories, and such a cutie pie!

    My Blog

  8. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Oh Steph, what a good attitude you have! That will serve you well in the new year! Happy and Healthy New Year to you!

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What a nice post! Lola looked at it with me and got very excited to see the picture! We are all doing well today...I seem to have recuperated well now. Have a very Happy New Year! I am hoping to be in bed by 10:00pm. :)
    Love ya,

  10. She is almost as big as you :)I love that toddler age!!!! Lola is so cute!!! Glad you had a nice holiday.

  11. Transmission problems, riiiight....:) Once when my now 22 year old daughter was about 6mo we went out fishing in our boat (25ft cabin cruiser)to a very calm slough for the day and about 9pm we started back and the open chanel was so choppy that it almost flipped us over we had to go back. Try calling in to work saying you are stranded on your boat because of high seas! LOL I don't think they ever really believed me. lol

    Glad to see you had a great holiday. Hope your 2009 is just as great! :)


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