Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tea for Quiet Times

My cheeriest tablecloth on a very wintry day

This is my last tea party of the year, and I've entitled it Tea for Quiet Times. I've had two chances in the past few days to sit with a friend, in front of a fire (be it real or electric), and relax. Quiet conversations and tea. Heaven! This quiet time prepares me for the busy Christmas visiting ahead.

With Sweetcakes, I enjoyed the best-ever chai and the most amazing gingerbread cookies.
See the adorable gingerbread reindeer (and recipe) here.

Today, I enjoyed lunch and tea with a friend in my home. It was a dreary day, but those are perfect for tea. The weather was sleeting and windy, and I brought out my cheeriest tablecloth. Time slipped by quickly and I am grateful for the peaceful time with friends!

Happy Holidays to you! I be back to blogging in a few days. Wishing you joyful and peaceful times.


  1. Having tea with you on Saturday was wonderful. It gave me a chance to actually sit down and relax....so glad you had the chance to do it again today! Love the tablecloth, by the way.;)

    Safe travels and enjoy your family!

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Lovely tea time. happy Holidays to you.

  3. It is wonderful to share a quiet teatime with friends. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  4. What a wonderful post! I dearly love the days between Christmas and New Year's when it's all quiet, peaceful, and the hustle and bustle is over with. A nice cup of tea and ... silence. Ahhh. (And I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas!)

  5. Love your quiet time tea!

  6. Peaceful Christmas and tea are the perfect combination. I plan on having several of those opportunities in the next couple of days. Sitting by the fire, sipping tea, and watching the snow fall while soft Christmas music plays in the background. Have a wonderful celebration with friends and family. It was wonderful to meet you this year.

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The fire was wonderful. The visit with you was definitely the bright spot in my day. Thank you so much for the perfect gifts!

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Merry Christmas to you and the DH, Steph!

  10. That is an interesting little tea-light underneath your teapot. I'm guessing it keeps the pot warm longer?

    It's been so cold in the house lately, my cups and my teapots get cold before they are done brewing! I should invest in something like that!


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