Saturday, February 07, 2009

A Bite of Summer

The weather has been jumping around in extremes this week! Last Sunday, we saw a sunny day and warm 50s temps, and then in the middle of the week, we were back into extreme lows. The kids had a late-start at school because of the low temperatures. Then yesterday was nearly 60 degrees! All of this bouncing around is a bit of a roller coaster ride. The hardest part, for me, is getting a taste of spring - and knowing it's not truly here yet!

To comfort myself, I busted out some homemade strawberry freezer jam and ate it on crackers. Oh, my. It's just so good!


  1. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I'm drooling!

  2. Mmmm... I grew up on strawberry freezer jam. It's the one thing I "put up" while I was in college.

  3. Strawberry freezer jam has such a beautiful color to it. It is like a bite of spring time.

  4. Strawberry freezer jam is good, but I think your blueberry jam is my new favorite.

  5. That strawberry jam looks so delicious. Well worth the effort to put up in the spring. The temperature here in GA has been jumping around too. Its winter jackets one day and fleece hoodies the next, but not for long.

  6. Oh wow, does that ever look great. I do love strawberries!

  7. I'm going to give freezer jam a try this summer. Obviously, I would "try" some as in eat some any time, but I want to "try" to make some jam too.

    I stepped out on the porch this evening and thought I could smell spring a little bit. A little bit means a lot these days.

  8. Hi Steph,
    I've never heard of freezer jam, but it sure looks delicious!! Do you have the recipe to share?Strawberries really do make you think of spring don't they.
    I bought a box yesterday and am going to make crepes for Valentine's breakfast. Yummy.


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