Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweets for the Sweetheart

I recently learned to make this cute little cupcake bag and gave it to my sweetheart niece for Valentine's Day! My other sweetheart, the DH, didn't think it would work too well for him, though he did contemplate wearing it as a hat.

The bag is fast to assemble and is padded. Perfect for a busy toddler. It's cushy and bright and just so cute. Almost as cute as the little one below. Sweetcakes taught me to make it, of course!


  1. This is adorable (aren't cupcakes delightful!) and your niece is even more adorable! She looks like she's all set for a trip to the toy store! And would you mind sending me your snail mail address? I've got a little something I'd like to pop in the mail to you! Thanks! angela@newnan.com

  2. Why, thank you Angela! Tho I am biased, but I agree that she's adorable!

  3. Very cute! And just the right size for your little cutie.

  4. Perfect for a little girl sweetheart!

  5. So super cute- I love that she already knows how to carry a purse. Us girls must be born with that knowledge...or maybe it develops along side our obsession with princesses when we're very small. :)

  6. Cute bag and perfect for the little one!


  7. What a cute idea. You are very talented with a needle and thread. I could use something like that! :O)

  8. I can't decide who's cutest, the purse or the niece. Well, oh course it's the niece. Aren't little girls fun!!! It keeps us from having to act like adults all the time.

  9. That is darling! She must love it.

    Speaking of purses, I'm doing a giveaway for one if you want to swing by.


  10. It was fun sewing together! What should be our next project?

  11. That is just too precious. Wonderful sewing job, BTW!

  12. Cute squared! Exponential cuteness! :)

  13. how adorable! both the cupcake and your little niece! thanks for sharing! you are soo talented! hugs

  14. Anonymous7:11 AM

    You know...I have had soooooo many people ask me where the cupcake purse came from (because Lola takes it most everywhere!)...I think you could really capitalize on this (not that you would :) ). Thanks so much for making it!! We enjoy it everyday, and you can't ask more of a gift than that!


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