Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Laini's Ladies

I'm a big fan of Laini's Ladies. These gals remind me to find whimsy and joy in my everyday tasks. The beauty above was a gift (thank you!) and the one below (smaller version) is something I picked up for myself a couple of years ago. Artist Laini Taylor (see her blog) is pretty amazing, too!

I'm sharing these as inspiration for your own creative dreams! What might you do if you had wings?


  1. I love these, but don't have one. Maybe I need one. I have a fairy dancing in my head that I would like in the back yard dancing in the garden. Now I just need to figure out what would hold up and look good outside.

  2. Oh, I love these, and would love to make something like this myself! (And if *I* had wings, I'd fly away from work early and head on to my friend's lake house for the weekend!)

  3. These are so creative. Thanks for the link as well- geat stuff! If I had ~wings~ I'd fly as far as I could finding all the good in the world that everyone seems not to be able to find these days. I'd fly over the shores in Gulf & the Mediterranean.

  4. :-) I am really enjoying your responses to the wings question. Thank you!

  5. If I had wings, I'd be at the beach in the late afternoon/early evening, reading a novel I love and enjoying a slight breeze and maybe a glass of wine.

    Really love those ladies.

  6. These are amazing --- I love them!


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