Monday, March 16, 2009


Fresh green daffodils poking through the ground, green buds on the trees, St. Patrick's Day... GREEN is on my brain! I had a friend over for lunch recently and we had a loosely-themed St. Patrick's Day tea.

I used my Old Country Roses china because it has such gorgeous emerald green in the rose leaves and stems.

We started with edamame for its gorgeous green. It's one of my absolute favorite foods, and so healthy, too. If I had to choose between scones or edamame, it'd be a really hard choice. At that's sayin' a lot!

We also enjoyed a vegetarian version of Cock-a-Leekie soup, minus the cock, of course - so it was potato and leek soup.

For the scones course, we had Irish Soda Bread Scones. The recipe is in the recently-released book Celtic Tea with Friends, by Elizabeth Knight. (I adore this book, by the way.) I changed the recipe a wee bit to use whole wheat and honey, instead of white flour and sugar.

We had a very simple dessert, Dolfin chocolate with Konacha green tea. Wow - very good! I've had other Dolfin chocolates with tea, and this is my favorite so far.


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Your table setting is so pretty! Have a happy St. Pat's Day!!!

  2. What a lovely St. Patrick's celebration.

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Sounds very nice!!

  4. The light is so gorgeous is those photos! I've never tried Dolfin before -- thanks for the recommendation! Just tried The Tearoom's chocolates the other day... awesome! I can send you a taste if you'd like.

  5. love all the green. it is my favorite color! happy st. patty's day!

  6. What a lovely table setting. I also like to put flowers in a teapot. The scone looks delicious and I'll have to look for the Dolfin tea chocolate - I've never heard of it.

  7. What a terrific tea! Your photos are just lovely, too!

  8. Cup cakes are ready Steph- come have a looksee.

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have a tea-lightful day! The sun is shining here -- I bet it is where you are, too!

  10. Everything looks so cute.
    I love your flowers...the scones look fab too.

  11. Sometimes it is easy being green!


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