Friday, March 13, 2009

Tea Quilt

This tea quilt is one of my favorite things!

The quilt was a gift from my dear friend, AZ Tea Lover, when I moved away from NM. It has kept me warm through several Midwestern winters! I bundle up with it in my "tea cozy corner" and enjoy a few moments to myself. And a Happy Birthday to AZ Tea Lover!


  1. What a pretty combination of colors. The purple and blue look so nice together.

    I have a quilt I was given from my Grams. It lays on our bed each night and certainly keeps us cozy! As a crafter it's easy to appreciate all the time and love that went into make those pretty, warm wraps!


  2. What a thoughtful gift & friend! I love the teacups. It has such pretty colors too! I know you cherish it.

  3. What a beautiful gift! AZ Tea Lover is a very talented quilter!

  4. What a priceless gift!

  5. What a gorgeous quilt! Don't you love sentimental gifts that are also quite useful!

  6. What a beautiful quilt and a thoughtful gift from a friend. I can see why you treasure it.

  7. I love your tea quilt. What a lovely gift.

  8. Great fabric.....I haven't seen it before. Of course I never sew anymore so I guess I don't look for fabric much! HA!
    I STILL have that pink teacup fabric and pattern and such from when you made the Tea Cozy and I "thought" I would attempt to make one as well.'s all in the hall closet still. HA! I hate that.
    I need to get it out and work on it. Ugh.

  9. Great fabric.....I haven't seen it before. Of course I never sew anymore so I guess I don't look for fabric much! HA!
    I STILL have that pink teacup fabric and pattern and such from when you made the Tea Cozy and I "thought" I would attempt to make one as well.'s all in the hall closet still. HA! I hate that.
    I need to get it out and work on it. Ugh.

  10. what lovely fabric in your quilt!
    a treasured keepsake!

  11. What a beautiful quilt with such lovely fabric and what a wonderful gift from your friend.

  12. I WANT THAT QUILT!!!!! enough said.


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