Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anatomy of a DH Salad

The DH (dear hubby) makes the most interesting salads! This is our first spring salad. Everything here "we" grew - either intentionally or not! :-) There's baby kale in here, as well, but I couldn't find it in the photo.


  1. Very impressed. With what did you the DH dress this salad?

  2. Your spring salad looks great - very healthy too. There must be a real sense of satisfaction in growing your own food.

  3. This looks so good. I love fresh grown salads. Unfortunatly, I can't grow fresh veggies to eat in our yard- DOGS- the thought of what might end up on them- well you get the idea. But this looks just lovely. I would like to stick my fork right in and take a huge bite!

  4. It was good! The DH took some homemade blackberry jam (from my mom) and mixed it with a little sesame oil and vinegar. Yumm!

  5. Isn't spring wonderful. What a lovely salad and so fun having things you grew.

  6. Lovely salad! So beautiful and fresh!


  7. wow...i did not know that Daylilies were edible...geez..we have tons... :)


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