Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Violet Season

I imagine it's an interesting experience to go for a walk with me this time of year. I'm flitting around, spying flowers and birds. And now that it's violet season, I'm gushing about these lovely little purple (and white) blossoms! I don't understand why anyone would want to kill these lovely things. Did you know that the flowers are edible? High in Vitamin C, too! The wonderful thing about violets is that they're still wild. Most of us don't plant them intentionally, yet they keep returning and gracing us with their loveliness.

Violets have been a blessing in my life over the last few weeks. I was given this jar of violet pouchong tea, from Fortnum & Mason. (See picture at top of post, too.) The aroma is subtle - and to me, the best part. Like with all floral teas (rose petal, etc.), it's a complex tea. The flavor isn't for everyone. I like it, but it's a tea I would not drink every day. Rather, I'd save it for violet season or other celebratory occasions.

Last Saturday, I taught a tea class and served mini-cupcakes. I topped some of them with violets, plucked that very morning from my lawn.
I didn't sugar the flowers, since I was serving them right away. If you'd like to find out how to sugar violets, see Sweetcakes' post on the topic.

And just moments ago, the DH (dear hubby) brought me a cup of mint tea (from fresh leaves in the garden) with violets floating in the brew. What a guy!


  1. Oh Steph, I'm with you! We have a large shaded area on the side of our home that was filled with violets when we first moved in and my (not so DH)had them cleared out and sod put in. But I'm happy to report the shade is killing the sod and lovely little violets are popping up again! Hurray for nature! It can be reconditioned but it will never be fooled! Thanks for reminding me that they are etible because they are no where near where my dogs roam and I will be able to use them for my cooking!

  2. I recently picked violets with a precious 2-year-old in my own backyard, but I did not know they were edible! Thanks for sharing this info, and your photos are lovely! (Tell DH he really scored with your readers today!)

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Beautiful pictures!

    P.S. Can't wait to see you Thursday morning...drive safely!

  4. Hi there! Nice Cuppa! :) I was wondering if you would be interested in a new crafTEA swap!? Swing by my tea blog (Tea Equals Bliss) or Blissful Place Blog for details.

  5. Oh, Steph! How I do adore violets! Our new home doesn't have them popping up and I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw your post. This is a "must add" to my shopping trip to the nursery next week!
    Have a tea-rific day!

  6. Your photos are lovely. Isn't it wonderful that there are so many edible flowers to use as beautiful garnish. The violets looked very pretty on the cupcakes.

  7. Vvery good post and of great interest to me!

  8. A delightful post! I love violets season too. My mother always served violets in green salads during the spring. The family was used to it, but our friends who came to visit sometimes wondered about our family! :D


  9. Nice pictures! Flowers are indeed edible! My favors are Rosebud and Chrysanthemum. Will try Voilet next time.

  10. Anonymous6:54 PM

    What a lovely post, Steph, with lovely photographs! That cup of tea from DH looked gorgeous and bet it tasted that way, too.

    Tony's paternal grandmother's name was Violet. I think it's a beautiful name.

  11. I love violets. I do have a large pot I planted several years ago of freckled violets. I was hoping they would be ready to use for Easter, but they are slow this year. The leaves are showing, but no flowers yet. Your teacup with violets in it is beautiful. What a husband!

  12. I absolutely LOVE the pics with the flowers in the tea. Very simple but very beautiful.

  13. I posted a comment but it disappeared so here I am again! I think it is amazing that you have violets now! I really am pleased that you linked for Friends Sharing Tea as this is a wonderful post!

  14. We are all thinking violets this week! Lovely post. We used to stock F&M teas in our antiques/tea business. Loved their teas. Don't remember a violet at that time...we closed in 2003. Lovely goodies as well. I am vegan about 3/4 of the time. I have a respiratory allergy to all milk products and derivatives and try hard to avoid them, and vegan is awesome for that! A bit of a challenge if you are looking for shortcuts or don't have a lot of prep time, but worth it! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!


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