Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Spy: Hello Yello!

Hello Yellow! Some of my favorite yellows around the house. We're in the midst of iris season! And oh, they are so spectacular. Here are two yellow ones.

The yellow flowers are from kale.

Boiled egg on watercress

A sunny little teapot

The pale, yellow center of a peony. They've just started blooming for us.

See who else has played along so far and find instructions to enter the drawing here!


  1. Steph,
    I'm really enjoying your color blogs. We just painted our kitchen a bright yellow. Its so sunny. I love walking in there first thing each morning!

    Our peonies started blooming last week too. They smell so divine!

    Don't you just love spring!

  2. Yellow is my favorite color. Loved all your yellow pictures.

  3. Very pretty! I have some deep, deep purple Iris'. When they aren't in the sunlight they look almost black. :)

  4. Your photos are beautiful. The egg on watercress looks yummy. Now I need to go make some lunch. ;=) My yellow post is up -this has been fun. Thanks.

  5. What a great gathering of yellows! I adore irises and peonies, so I am especially happy to see these treasured flowers here! Fun!

  6. I especially love the second picture of your irises.

  7. Belinda2:12 PM

    Am enjoying what all the bloggers are coming up with for this.
    My Bathroom is yellow. The color was called Clam Chowder but I would have called it Corn chowder. It is a deep buttery yellow and since the walls are beadboard it looks very "cottagey"

  8. The iris are beautiful Steph. Do you grow them? And I could just take a bite right out of the egg & watercress sandwiches! Don't you just love watercress.

  9. oh i just love yellow steph! when i was a little girl my bedroom was done all in yellow and i still love it! that teapots yellow is so buttery looking! put a post up about yellow at my blog too! this is fun! thanks for starting the game hugs :)

  10. I can't wait for our peonies to bloom (although we don't have any yellow ones). They're really late this year.

  11. These posts are so much fun! I would love to play along, but I don't tend to upload my photos speedily enough!

    I'd like a bite of one of those eggs.


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