Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Blog...

I'm contributing monthly to another blog, called the Poplar Grove Muse.
Check it out! I have a posting up today.

The Poplar Grove Muse is a group blog for a community of women writers. I've been taking classes through this community. "Class" isn't the correct word, as it doesn't nearly describe what happens. First, we don't critique the writing. We are free to write about whatever we want, and the range is very diverse - from journal entries to poetry to memoir to fiction. It's a writing circle, where we lift up and encourage the words of the other writers. For more info, see Women Writing for a Change.


  1. I see there is a group that meets in Portland too. I hadn't heard of this organization.

  2. Can't find your email. I did check and there is an organization of the Women Writers very close to me in Portland. I will check them out, maybe go to their December gathering.

  3. Anonymous2:35 AM

    sounds fascinating steph. Best of everything as you write!

  4. What a wonderful and inspiring site. Good for you! I just can't wait until that book of yours gets published.


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