Monday, September 21, 2009

Mighty Leaf Mug Winner

Congratulations to Beth, from the Tea and Chocolate blog! She is the lucky winner of the Mighty Leaf mug. I took my mug last week to CA. It worked like a charm! Even non-Mighty Leaf bags stayed in the dome. The technique I used was to give a gentle tug to pull the tip of the bag through the slit. The bag then sit up there perfectly, allowing you to drink tea that is steeped "just right" - neither weak nor bitter. The tea stayed hot for a long time, too. Enjoy, Beth!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph, I'm not sure how to email you privately --- so I went to a back post. Please feel free to delete it after you read it!!!

    Marilyn sent me the 'traveling teapot' with a list of places it has been first. One place is to Stephanie Wilson --- but I'm not sure of your last name --- so don't know if that's you or not. If it is, please let me know and I will 'link' you to my blog post today.

    Thanks --- sorry for having to resort to 'comments' for this post.

    LaTeaDah from Gracious Hospitality


I value your comments, thank you!