Monday, September 14, 2009

Give Me Holes in My Apples...

Riddle me this: What song am I referring to in the title of this post? (Answer at bottom.)

Where I live, in the Midwest, it's definitely starting to feel like fall. The temps are cooling, the sun comes from a different angle and changes color, the college football games have begun, and the apple tree in our backyard is dropping its fruit.

I love holey apples! The DH has this big bowl to himself, as I'm out of town. The cider (which he let me have the last of) is from our CSA. It was pressed last week. Wow, yummm!.

Answer to the riddle: Big Yellow Taxi, originally by Joni Mitchell. I love the song!

Are you seeing signs of autumn?


  1. One of my favorite Joni Mitchell songs!

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Yes, fall is on the way! We are having cool nights (50s) here in the mountains of NC, though it still warms up into the low 80s during the day. But that fall feel is definitely in the air. This is my favorite time of year!

  3. Yes--autumn is on the way. Each evening is a bit cooler and the leaves are slowly but surely turning.

  4. We had family come up from So. Cal for the week-end, with kids looking forward to swimming in our pool. We had temps in the high
    90's all week, but on Saturday, we had thunder, lightening, clouds and rain. We waited for a peek of sunshine, took a 10 minute dip, and out again. Sunday, no swimming. Today, as they were leaving, we heard that we will now go into a warming trend, expecting temps in the 90's once again.
    I don't care if it's summer or fall...I just want it to make up it's mind! We love holey apples too...means they aren't infested with pesticides! Mary

  5. Fresh apple cider sounds heavenly! Hope your DH enjoys having the apples to himself -- for now at least!

  6. Oh I would love some apples like that. I need to find some this week.

    The teapot should have had a log to travel along with it. I know it has been to Nancy Reppert, Linda Jennings, Denise LeCroy, and probably Angela. Next it goes to LaDonna of Gracious Hospitality.

  7. Oh yum, real, not pasteurized apple cider. The latter just doesn't have the flavor. Yes, here in Upstate NY it is beginning to be fall - really early and quickly. Lovliest time of the year.

  8. That fresh pressed cider looks delicious. We sometimes serve a sparkling cider at special dinners.


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