Thursday, October 08, 2009

Pears and Cheese

Since I'm on the topic of old-timey foods, let's talk about pears. There are many varieties of heirloom pears. In fact, according to one article I read, many pears in the stores today are still heirloom. That's cool! Around where I live, old farms often have a pear tree quietly producing somewhere. It was once loved, if not still.

Pears were (and are) valuable because they ripen off the tree. This means you can keep them around for awhile, a handy feature before supermarkets. We're trying a method of wrapping the pears in newspaper and keeping them in a cool place. So far, so good. We'll see how it goes.

One of my favorite treats is a pear with cheese. Here, I'm enjoying a green pear (I don't know what kind; we picked it from a kind person's yard) with swiss cheese from a local dairy. It is so yummy!


  1. Steph, I love pears with cheese. I could make a meal just of that with a bit of fresh baked bread & real butter on the side....YUM.

  2. Your photos are really nice. I like pears and can't believe that I've never tried them with cheese. Sounds like a great healthy snack.

  3. Mmmmm.... love pears! My favorite pear food is pear pie - essentially pears in a crust with cream, sugar, flour (to thicken), and a little cinnamon.

  4. Lovely photos. I've never thought of or ever heard of cheese and pears. Sounds interesting and think I may give this a try. Thinking about it it seems like it coul dbe very nice

  5. Yummmmmmmmm. I especially love Comice pears with some sort of bleu.
    Wanted to tell you I love your new picture - very flattering to you

  6. Love, love, love pears. Last year I ordered some Harry and David pears after Christmas (everything was half off) to see what the fuss was about. Truly the most delicious fruit I had ever eaten!

  7. Thanks for the reminder. I have a box of pears I need to wrap today as well.

  8. Yum! Do you ever pair it with tea? If so, what kind?


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