Friday, October 09, 2009

Planning Ahead

NaBloPoMo - November is the original National Blog Posting Month. The idea is that you post on your blog every day for the month. I've done it the past two years. I'm considering my availability for this year. You can find more info here. NaBloPoMo has expanded beyond the original November month to be available any time of year. Join up whenever you like. And, my hat is off to those bloggers who post daily as a habit!

Halloween - I like to dress up for Halloween, but I'm not sure if I will this year. I may just settle for a walk around town to be entertained by the college students. If I do dress up, it will be a last-minute affair. Those are often the best costumes!

Christmas - I used to refuse to discuss Christmas before Halloween, but as I've moved into more of a crafting mindset, I realize that homemade gifts take time! So, I plan ahead! This year, I may not make as much by hand because of some time constraints, but I'm trying to find local gifts. In addition, here's something I'm drooling over. I've mentioned it to Santa (always my Mother): 2010 Datebook by KellyRae.

What are you planning for the holidays?


  1. I have never heard of NaBloPoMo - I'll have to check it out. I'll be counting votes at a chili cookoff on the 31st, as well as trick or treating with my grandsons. I'll also be attending my first Cub Scout Spook-o-ree camping event next weekend.

    Christmas is always such a busy time. I'll be helping at a couple of events, as well as doing the usual massive baking and cooking marathons. I love hand made gifts, but I also have those pesky time constraints.

  2. Christmas is really the only holiday I truly celebrate with any thought or time, other than individual birthdays. I love everything about Christmas, starting with the reason we celebrate...the birth of Christ...after that, it's baking, decorating, holiday teas, gift making, giving and receiving, Christmas carols and songs, and especially the change in just brings out the best in us. The only thing I would change is the stress and pressure people allow themselves to come under as they try to please everyone and do it all. It wasn't meant for that.

    God bless,

  3. Belinda7:02 AM

    I am not crazy about Halloween -no little ones at home anymore.
    But I am sad that Thanksgiving gets overlooked by Halloween and then straight to Christmas. I love fall,harvest decor and have my antique turkey platters on display. I love the simplicity and family feel of Thanksgiving. It is also a good time to include those who do not travel to family at Thanksgiving but will at Christmas

  4. Your new picture is beautiful!

    I've been working on creating handmade Christmas since July (as usual). I love the planning and thinking about everyone. Praying over them as I consider what to make, what will ship well, hopefully what they'll like. Funny though, I usually don't make Christmas gifts for our neice and nephews ~ gift cards always seem to be what they want not something Aunt Kas has stitched or painted! :)

  5. I'm trying to slowly make up some handmade holiday gifts. I almost left a store the other day as they set up holiday decorations. Seriously it's early October!

  6. NaBloPoMo -- just thinking the other day about whether I could post every day for a month, still thinking

    Halloween -- my boys need costumes and I've got nothing so far! do not see myself dressing up!

    Christmas -- I bet you Santa gets you that planner, seems like you've been a pretty good girl!

  7. Ooh, I like that datebook too! Her style of work looks familiar, somehow ...


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