Monday, January 24, 2011


We've had this lovely French crepe pan since we got married nearly 15 years ago.  The DH brought it with him into the marriage, and who knows how long he's had it!  We've been using it mostly as an omelette pan.  But I do recall one Valentine's day in 1998 when he made me crepes with strawberry sauce.  ;-)   I made crepes for the first time this weekend and now I'm hooked!

Oh my, they are soooo good!  I think I'll make them often and put the pan to use for its intended glory.

I modified a basic Betty Crocker recipe. 

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour (my addition)
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups milk
2 Tbsp melted butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs

Butter or oil for the pan
Fillings (I used chopped walnuts with powdered sugar, and jam)

Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Mix the wet ingredients, then stir into the dry.  Beat by hand until smooth (I used a whisk).

Lightly oil a crepe pan or 6-8 inch skillet.  (I recommend a silicone brush for this task.  I melted my synthetic fiber one!)  Heat over medium heat until bubbly.    Pour in a scant 1/4 cup of batter. Rotate the skillet until it covers the entire pan.

As soon as the batter is set, run a knife around the edge to loosen and flip.  (I had best luck flipping with my fingers.)  It should be very lightly brown.  Cook on the other side, until it's also lightly brown.

Remove, fill and enjoy!  I liked these rolled up, but you can also fold in wedges.  My favorite filling was simply walnuts and powdered sugar.  I first had that combination when some Hungarian friends made crepes for me in NM several years ago; such a wonderful memory!  The DH liked his filled with jam and walnuts.


  1. Stephanie, I can't believe you had crepes this weekend. I also made crepes this weekend and have thought of posting the recipe. I probably will do it next week. Yes, I had forgotten how good they are. Love them. Walnuts and powder sugar sounds good.

  2. The crepes look delicious. I'll have to give them a try one day.

  3. What fun! Years ago, while visiting a French exchange student, she tried to teach me to make crepes and flip them with a quick toss of the pan. Needless to say, it wasn't quite successful! Thanks for bringing that memory to the surface. Your crepes look and sound fabulous. Am now wishing I had a crepe pan!

  4. Mmmm ... looks divine! And there's a restaurant here in town that serves wonderful seafood crepes ... and I have a gift certificate in my wallet. I feel a visit coming on ...

  5. Teafan9:24 AM

    Yumm, yumm! Pretty, too.

  6. Thre used to be crepe shops all over NYC. Wouldn't it be nice to have them back. Try some with buckwheat flour - yummmm. You have inspired me, too. They're also good, minus the sugar with some sort of creamy filling like chicken or ham or shrimp. Making myself hungry. Have a happy day

  7. Love the "wabi sabi"ness of the pan! :-)


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