Saturday, January 29, 2011

Joy Journal

I've only been keeping a joy journal for about a month now, and I can tell that it's a powerful tool. It helps me pause and notice what's good, even in my moments of exhaustion, fear and sadness.

What's bringing you joy today?

  A pretty winter scene
Crocus reaching for the light 

Colorful books stacked on a shelf


  1. Great photos. Today's joy is the quiet of newly falling snow, orange kitties racing around the yard, a new book to read, a new recipe to try. There are so many things that bring joy. Such a good idea to keep a journal about it. Oh yes, blooming narcissus
    Had some ofthe Dragonwell tea you sent me today. It seemed really appropriate, as to me, it had the scent and taste of a winter day, with a bit of floral and citrus to remind me that spring is coming

  2. Your picture of a "winter scene" is not fair! We are gearing up for a major ice/snow storm that is moving in as we speak. I know, I really miss the midwest! :)

  3. I love this winter scene; when there's not snow on the ground, that looks like much of Delaware. I love wetlands, probably because I'm a birdwatcher.

  4. JOY Journals are the very best. Happy today because the sun is shining. Also happy because the dentist didn't find any major work to do on my mouth. :-)

  5. Have you read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp? She's inspired me to make a list of 1,000 gifts from my daily life.


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