Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Flower Pins

I recently made this flower pin, using the tutorial by Wise CraftI love it, and I've had many compliments when I wear it.  It's a fun and easy project, and would be perfect for crafty tweens.  The possibilities for variation are endless, and it's a good way to use up those pretty scraps.  


  1. Stephanie,

    You really need to meet my sister Vanessa, over at stitches and stuff she too makes these lovely fabric flower pins. I will post your link at the bottom of this post for you please visit her blog.

    We are buried in mountains of snow here today. My sweetie's house has even had an avalanche off the mountain behind it, it buried my car. I hardly made it back up the hill from a doctors appointment today on foot. Needless to say I cannot make it to the mail rather post office to ship your teacup trade. Saturday when I had planned to do this we received a call that his father passed away. So a very hectic household today indeed, as we continue the plans for the funeral, coming on Monday, shoveling out all this snow, and everything that goes with both.

    Please send me your e-mail address and I will send you the tracking number when it leads.

    Thanks for stopping by and be sure to enter my giveaway.
    Valrie, http://poemsmyway-valrie.blogspot.com


  2. Vanessa's blog

    tell her I sent you over!

    Hugs and tea please!


  3. It´s really very pretty.

  4. When I saw it my first thought was how cute it would be on the vintage hat you made for your niece or one on a hat for you. Very cute! And Thanks too for sharing your creativity.

  5. Oh, that is just lovely! Must check out this tutorial!

  6. Me likey! Very cool and looks great on your jacket lapel.

  7. Hi, I'm new to your blog and I'm enjoying browsing...I've had making a flower pin on my "to do" list for about a month now so I think it's kismet that I saw this post. I'm headed over to view tutorial. Thanks for the inspiration :-)

  8. Hooray -- I love project ideas! Beautiful pin!


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