Monday, February 07, 2011

Dragon Dance

Chinese New Year is here!  I'm thinking in the color red.  The festivities last two weeks, and our Classical Chinese Garden in Portland has something special each day. I visited the garden with a friend yesterday to have tea and watch a Lion Dance. Here are some lovely photos from the day.

 I loved the reflection of the red lanterns on the water.

Each dragon is made of two dancers...these were very talented children! 
Both boys and girls, and I was so impressed with their strength and agility.


  1. I'll come next year and bring Miss T.

  2. So great and wonderful!

  3. So beautiful. It looks like a lot of fun!

  4. I would have loved seeing this. I need to stop by soon. I wanted to go to the floating of the lanterns, but too much on the plate right now. Thanks for showing the beautiful red lanterns.

  5. I wish we lived near a large Chinese population so we could see this too. The photos are a great trip instead - you're doing a good job with them!

  6. What an amazing sight! And to think of having tea in such a setting!

  7. This looks like such fun!


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