Friday, February 11, 2011

A Little VooDoo, Please

Standing in a line that wraps around the corner for VooDoo Doughnuts is like a rite of passage around here.  I had my induction last weekend, when I waited 45 minutes for my two minutes at the altar of fat and icing.

How were the doughnuts?  Like any fresh doughnut should be, sickeningly sweet, messy and lightly greasy. 

What did you have?  A half dozen: traditional yeast glazed, chocolate cake old-fashioned and maple blazer blunt.  The wacky menu is what VooDoo is all about. 

Was it worth it?  Totally.  The best part for me was the  line-waiting.  I saw folks from all walks of life, locals and tourists, and  imagined their life stories, one of my favorite pass times.

How do the doughnuts go with tea?  Quite fine!  I celebrated the birthday of a friend at the Chinese Classical Garden with a flight of old-growth teas and VooDoo doughnuts.

Happy weekend!


  1. What fun! I am a people watcher, too. The donuts look "wicked."

  2. Having nothing so splendid here, I will take myself to Dunkin' Donuts, since I've not had one in sooooooooooooooo long.

    Did you know you can make donuts from those canned biscuits - Just poke a hole in them - fling them around your finger a few times, fry them up and there you are. Courtesy of Uncle Arthur, the boy scout leader. They're actually pretty good. Not superior, but...

  3. Voodoo is such a fun place to go. I have stopped by there during the week and the line was fairly short. What a fun outing! I did stop by the Chinese Gardens on Thursday and loved seeing the red lanterns everywhere. It was the perfect picture taking day.

  4. Doughnuts! I have had a long association with doughnuts.
    My Mom made homemade doughnuts and you would know that she was making them before you hit the door after school. Soft, gooey sweet pillows of goodness. She also made the ones that Marlena mentioned from the biscuits-fried and filled to oozing with homemade grape or strawberry jam. I did a stint at Dunkin" Donuts one Summer when I was home from college working the midnight shift waiting the counter and finishing the doughnuts. Frequent marriage proposals were offered at 2:00 AM when the bars closed and donuts and coffee were served at the counter in my pink uniform.

    Great post, Steph! Your donuts look like they were created with lots of love and made a nice addition to your tea party.
    What fun!!

    Mary Jane

  5. That looks like a fun and unique Donut Shop. The menu really is wacky - maple & bacon topped - perfect for breakfast. ;-)

  6. What a fun-fun-fun post! Kinda makes me want a doughnut! ;)

  7. Wouldn't I love to make a pilgrimage to that "altar of fat and icing." Great description! I think I'd love the doughnuts and the people watching. And the voo doo, of course.

  8. VooDoo Donuts is so awesome. I was just in Portland last weekend to take my daughter to catch the train, unfortunately we did not have time to go to VooDoo donuts. Maybe next time.

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