Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grandma's Apron

I love this photo.  It's me, wearing one of my grandmother's aprons.  I have several of them, and I fondly remember playing dress up with them as a child.  Grandma kept the aprons in a drawer in the guest bedroom.  I loved to wear them and pretend to be grown up.  Such pretty, bright colors.  Time spent with grandma was always like summertime to me, even in winter.

My grandma is in this crew of "jolly workers" below, along with one great grandmother, several aunts and one uncle. 

I send my love to grandma.  


  1. It is so wonderful that you have some of your grandmother's aprons.

  2. What a great photo and such warm memories of playing dress up. I love aprons; my grandma would never cook in her kitchen without one.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. They all look like they are having so much fun. I had wonderful grandmothers whom I remember with much love and gratitude. I treasure all the little reminders I have of them - aprons among them

  4. What a great vintage photo, and what a treasure you have in that apron! The design is beautiful and the sentimental factor is of course priceless!

  5. Hi Steph! Love the vintage photo. Reminds me of some of the ones in our old family album.

    My Mom's aprons were always starched and ironed to a crisp finish. They are one of the first things she taught me to iron. So lovely for you to have one of them that your Grandma had worn. I am sure you inherited some of her hospitality skills and the magic comes out when you wear her apron!

  6. Sending you hugs as you reminisce about your grandmother. What a treasure, having her apron. Loved seeing the picture too.

  7. My grandma had wallpaper like that in her parlor! and aprons too !


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