Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A Layover Tea Party

My friend and our layover tea

I had a long airport layover recently, and it happened to be in the same city as my dear friend above.  When I mentioned this, she said, "I'll bring a tea party!"  How fun!  The weather was warm and we were able to enjoy the sunshine.  

She brought a linen table cloth and napkins, real china, wonderful coconut green tea, and scones with cream.  This tea party gave me permission to relax and rest in the midst of a busy time.  Thank you!


  1. How fantastic is that!? What a thoughtful friend you have!

  2. What a special treat! How thoughtful and I am sure much needed.

  3. Now THAT is awesome! What a great friend!

  4. Sounds like a perfect tea party to me!

  5. How awesome was that! I'll bet people looked at you all and wondered who the celebrity was! What a wonderful gift!

  6. What a perfect way to spend layover time! :)

  7. I wish I had someone to have a tea party with for all my layovers!

  8. What a wonderful treat and a thoughtful friend.


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