Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hints of Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I love this cup and saucer, because they hint at green.  The rim, the foot of the teacup, and inside the cup.  

Around here, green is the background!  White fruit trees are in bloom, the azaleas are starting to pop, daffodils and crocus have been ablaze for a few weeks, pink camellias are fully dressed.  Green is not subtle here and colors are becoming giddy.

But this teacup reminds me that even in deep winter, when green is not so exists.
"Beneath the pavement, earth remembers."  Somebody smart said that.

Hope you're celebrating in green today! 


  1. Oh, what a sweet cup! Love this one!

  2. Yes, green is prevalent here for sure. I just wish my daffodils would bloom, but I think the cold a few weeks ago hurt them. Love your soft green cup.

  3. Beautiful tea cup and saucer! The scenery you enjoy sounds beautiful as well. We had snow/sleet on Monday and yesterday (Thursday) was a little over 70 degrees. Gotta love Illnois weather! :)

  4. What a pretty teacup! (And what a poetic way of writing you have. I love it!)

  5. Great post. I love the "Hints of Green" teacup.

  6. Not too much green here yet, but I love the smell of the air in March. We've had some warm breezes this week that suggest that spring is really on its way!

    Lovely tea cup.


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